Hello and thank you for considering investing in me.

After taking an art history course and visiting the Met

I was so impressed by a Kandinsky exhibit at the Guggenheim,

I immediately resolved to attempt making beauty with just shapes and colors.

I was sad to see that I lost all pictures of my early work on myspace.

Though I feel the native artwork in Seattle influenced my art from then on.

but has taken a decidedly hip hop, graffiti and even African ques with a certain

psychodelic flair.

I spent many hours in my attempts at creating a style initially and at the same time

read of Carl Jung using art therapy to understand the mindset of his patients.

His studies on mandalas encouraged them to experiment with various mediums.

& I found myself using colors and textures to produce the illusion of depth.

When I think of abstract art it's like this...

Pictures of just paint splatters have so for millions of dollars.

& I'm not against it. I believe that very simple things can be beautiful

I liken this to Georgia O'Keefe.

Though there may have been thousands of imitators to Jackson Pollock

This is abusive. I feel one of the main criterion to artwork is originality.

& I have qualms with people simply thinking they can do the same thing.

I started my art career in New Orleans,sneaking my wares into art shows without a license

in between doing day labor. I mostly sold to people that liked my work but could only afford

to invest in serious art work. I sold pictures there, Seattle and Los Angeles and one piece in Brooklyn. Many years ago

I was on Venice Beach and I had made a piece of art that I felt was good enough to go into

the history books. I showed it and got no interest. & one day I was desperate and a drunk guy

felt sorry for me and offered $30 for it. I gave in and some girl took it from him, like you don't deserve this.

I felt, that I could simply make another one and though I made some decent quality pictures, some of which I gave away

to women that attracted me in the same way. The great majority of my work was lost somewhere or another, in various states of half completion.

When I could not get work, I would simply spend time on my art as to not remain idle. I felt that these were practice pieces

where I've attempted a healthy use of foreground space... Like in a book, I am trying to capture this great concept

of a void.

in all music there are notes but the spaces in between the notes is what makes a song.

So likewise I've been trying to find a balance between shape & color

creating what's been likened to the idea of a vortex. Using space.

That has been my greatest challenge and often a picture with much potential

was simply overworked and ened up losing what made it attractive in the first place.

My idea of good art: Is something that envokes feeling.

What I try to do with every picture is my version of Kandisnky...

I want it to draw your attention like wtf is that

I hope it to be the most unqiue and curious things you've ever seen.

The goal being that if you saw it at a museum, you'd spend more time looking at it

than any other art piece.

Unanimously, all my art has a "campire" effect, where if you look hard enough,

people can find different things.

As mantle art: You can turn them to make a unique visual experience at any time.

There is no right way or up and many of them have another picture on the back

in case you feel like a mood change.

In my attempts in the art world I had a few amazing opportunities.

My only explenation was I did not want art to be my way out.

Initially I broke ties with my family in attempts to understand the regular lives

of people living in America & hoped to one day, pay rent, own and maintain a vehicle

and go out to the bar as an equal to people that live very difficult lives.

I felt an art career was like a shortcut, that would bypass me really understanding

well I've worked and paid rent for 2 years and I've built up a collection

of pieces still incomplete. & it's possible that years ago I could've started

with this one that has been faded in the meanwhile.

However do the turmoil of our presidential candidacy

I really feel now would be a good time to show the world a better example.

I have made website like falloflove.com & thapeople.com that talk of a better future

For example: What could be done with the billions allocated to stopping homelessness in California

that is apparently wasted. 15% of every picture is dedicated to

1. Making a website where other people can sell their art wares

2. Making a democratic clothing line where the designers are given a percentage of the profits.

3 creating a social media website that monotizes people's insights and helps solve world problems.

4. Purchasing land and developing it into an ideal future for creative artists

that were not valued in society to independently thrive.

5. Acquire a growing percentage of the greatest asset in America:

the music and film industry by promoting independant artists.

6. Create a designer brand where independent designers can submit their designs

and earn a percentage of the revenue.